In school we received grade cards measuring our success. A good report card might be reason for us to feel favor from the teacher and especially from our parents. In much the same way, we sometimes think that if we “do well” with God, we will find favor with him.
But this ignores the fact that God accepts us right where we are. Jesus did not search the land for 12 good men to do his service. Instead, he called men literally out of their place of work. Jesus took them warts and all. Simon Peter’s humility and realization of his own sin did not exclude him from service; they qualified him for service.
Jesus, of course, recognized Simon Peter’s anxiousness. That is why Jesus told him “Do not be afraid.” An encounter with God’s power may be far out of our comfort zone, but it provides us with an opportunity to live the life we were created for.
Paul the apostle recognized his own shortcomings. As did his detractors. Several times in his letters he answered these critics with a perfect balance of humility and boldness. God can and will use us just as we are. Then we can let him begin and continue a good work within us.
David Anderson
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