Sunday, February 1, 2009

Devotional Day 14

We have all felt at times that the world is against us, times when co-workers, friends, and even family seem to not be there for us, or at the least, to not care. Consider Jesus during his trial. We read the story and it is evident that most everyone was against Jesus. All the chief priests….the teachers of the law…. the elders of the people….the crowd...all the people….the whole company of soldiers…. even the robbers on each side of him (although one later repented), were all in agreement that Jesus be crucified.

And so he was. Through it all, these people were assigning responsibility to “others,” not taking credit or blame themselves. Ironically, these were some of the same people who had hailed him as a hero just a short time before.

We may know the story. Jesus suffered unimaginable pain. But it was all for our benefit. And it is the most wonderful and miraculous event ever. So when the apostle Paul asks us to offer our own bodies as living sacrifices, we understand, but may be a bit anxious. So, he gives us some guidelines concerning what to love, what to hate, how to honor others, using our gifts, never lacking enthusiasm, and so on.

Jesus gives us a profound promise for us to keep in all seasons of our life. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

David Anderson


This is very thoughtfully written. It is good to know that The Lord is always with me in every trial of life. No matter the circumstances that surround me or the relationship crisis I am in, Christ is the constant.