Today's Reading: Luke 1-2, 2 Corinthians 1-3
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Daily Reading
I was impressed in today's reading with the emphasis on prayer in Luke 1:8-13 and 2 Corinthians 1:8-11. The Scripture says in Luke, that Zechariah was chosen to burn incense in the temple at the altar of incense in the Holy Place. At the same time, the people were outside the temple praying (Luke 1:10). There is a connection between burning incense and prayer. Psalm 141:2 says, May my prayer be set before you like incense. See also Revelation 5:8b and 8:3b. When incense burned on the altar in the Temple, it was a sweet smelling fragrance that went up over the curtain into the Most Holy Place representing heaven where God lives. Likewise, when we pray, our prayers ascend into the Most Holy Place/heaven as a fragrant incense in God's nostrils. So, God not only hears our prayers, He "smells" them too and says, "Mmm. I like it when you pray!" Angels also have something to do with our prayers. In Luke 1:11, an angel stood at the right side of the altar of incense when Zechariah burned it. The angel was there to let Zechariah know that his prayers were heard and the answer was given that he would have a son. Angels have somehting to do with our prayers too. They take them into the very throneroom of God (Revelation 8:4). And they bring the answer from God to us (Revelation 8:5). In the Corinthian passage, Paul informed his brothers and sisters in Christ that he was "under a death sentence" In Asia (2 Corinthians 1:9a). But the church began praying for him and he was delivered by God (2 Corinthians 1:10). I have been "under a death sentence" a couple of times in my life. But God has delivered me through the prayers of the elders and obedience to the Word of God in James 5:14-16 and through the prayers of the Body of Christ who fasted and prayed for me when I was sick with Gullain-Barre, paralysis of the central nervous system. I'm written up in a medical journal as the sickest person to have that disease at that time and survive! I give all the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ and praise Him for being a God who hears and answers our prayers in His perfect time and in His perfect way!
By: Jim on February 22, 2009 at 3:09 PM
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