Thursday, January 29, 2009

Devotional Day 11

Two great chapters in Matthew and the beginning of Romans are a stimulating read for sure.

As you read the chapters in Matthew see if you can find references to the Kingdom of God.

Earthly kings usually enter a city in a Mercedes or a Rolls Royce. Jesus on the other hand is a King of a different Kingdom. He entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a young colt (most probably a donkey).

Check the scripture quoted from Zechariah 9:9, “Look your King is coming to you – He is humble….”

So unlike earthly leaders, our King at the core is the embodiment of humility. He is the servant King. He came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.

He turned water in to wine at a party… the first servant evangelism wine giveaway showing God’s love in a practical way.

He fed the multitudes

He healed the side

He washed the disciples feet

He went to a cross and died for you and me

He cooked a fish dinner for the disciples

He ascended into heaven, received the Holy Spirit and gave Him as a gift to His Church.

In the end He will serve us at the Marriage supper in Heaven.

Steve Bowen